
Thanksgiving who?

Thanks to the historic October snowstorm that ripped through the tri-state last week, Halloween was postponed in my town until today.  With too many down trees and electrical lines surely NO ONE wants their kids anywhere on the street.  Schools in my area were closed for 3 days due to no power…thank the Good Lord mine never went out.  Some people in Jersey are still without power now since last Saturday.  Good heavens, I can just smell the stench in their fridges.

Usually I plan to remove all my Halloween decor on Nov 1st but this year I’m forced to keep it until the little ones make their rounds today…hopefully everyone knows.  At my house I give out full-sized bars so I’m usually very popular on the block.  I usually go all out with dry-ice and Halloween tunes but I’m not really feeling it this year.  There wasn’t one square inch of my property that wasn’t covered with trees and branches.  To say the least it was hell sawing and removing everything, but we got through.

With Halloween still on everyone’s mind (well, in my neighborhood, at least) and Christmas decor decked out in just about every store I’ve visited,  poor little Thanksgiving is being just about ignored.  It’s my favorite holiday.  Why? Because it truly is all about family and appreciating the important things you have in life.  We all blog about decor and materialistic stuff, which is nice, but what lasts, what’s real, is your family, your bonds, your love, your relationships with people, your health, your happiness…cuz at the end of the day it’s all you really have…and nothing else can give me the feeling of love I get from my family.  So let’s put Halloween behind, Christmas on pause, and give thanks!

Giveaway coming soon!  I need to get the traffic moving here!

Love ya for reading,


Hello world!

Hello world! My name is Mimi and I am an avid decorator! I’m currently decorating my new home full of the biggest design crimes your eyes will ever see. I’m creating this blog to share my journey with you as I tackle room by room.  As a Jersey Girl, I can certainly tell you that you will see the good, the bad, and the ugly.  We can all learn a thing or two from each other, so here’s my contribution to the blog world! Come back often to see what ideas I’m concocting!

See ya soon,


Hey y’all!

Here’s a fab site I’ve been following long before I began my blog:

It’s called Classy Clutter with 2 fine gals, Mallory & Savannah. These ladies have an eye for decor, I must say. It’s quite impressive: they transform the most wounded thrift store furniture into pieces you would find selling for hundreds in the furniture stores.  Very inspiring!  There are times when I’ve considered throwing away some of my own battered furniture and then I run into blogs like this and realize what a potential jewel I have.  With a little TLC you can make anything new again…and in this economy who can really afford to spend $100 on a measly little side table?

What’s more? These ladies are holding a giveaway for a $25 Target gift card (or Tarjayyy as Oprah would say, hehe).  Head over to their site, check out their fantastic designs and makeovers, and enter to win.

Look forward to revealing my first redo to y’all soon.

Check back with me soon!

Love ya for reading.
